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The Major Barriers For Couriers In Getting The Job Done

“The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft a-gley.” Burns was right in “To a Mouse”. So what are the causes and how best to avoid?
/ WRITTEN by Nancy

An Unseen Danger On UK Roads

How many drivers have their eyes tested regularly? Put it another way, how many have not taken an eye test since passing their driving test?
/ WRITTEN by Esther

Same Day Deliveries – An Evolutionary Step In Current Trading Battles

We all want and some even demand faster and more convenient ways to buy goods. How is the retail sector changing to consumer wants?
/ WRITTEN by Nancy

Is Aerial Transport The Way Forward For Future Parcel Deliveries?

Flying cars, trucks and even bicycles. Read and see what the future holds in the parcel delivery business. Watch this space for more.
/ WRITTEN by Nancy

What is Blockchain Technology And How Can It Add Value To Supply Chains?

A 'blockchain' is resistant to modification of its data. Want to know more about this? Read the blog to find out what it is and more.
/ WRITTEN by Nancy

Hiring A Delivery Driver? Sense Of Humour A Must!

The day of a delivery driver can bring many challenges but sometimes, it's all worth it. 'There's nowt so queer as folk' a true saying.
/ WRITTEN by Nancy