West Bromwich, a town in the West Midlands

Same day courier West Bromwich services are provided by Same Day Couriers Direct in this town, located in the Borough of Sandwell.

Map data: Google

West Bromwich has a number of historic houses to explore including Manor House Museum and Oak House Museum. Amongst the many attractions for the visitor in the town are Sandwell Park Farm, a historical restored working farm and Sandwell Valley Country Park with green spaces hosting two farm visitor centres. With the town’s close proximity to both rural and urban areas, there’s plenty to choose from whether shopping, eating experiences or major events throughout the year.

West Bromwich economic sectors

west bromwich

Key growth sectors:

“Sandwell, in the heart of the West Midlands, has a diverse economy thanks to innovative companies and a highly skilled workforce. Our region is home to around 9,000 businesses: exciting and dynamic companies which collectively employ approximately 140,000 people.”

Same day courier West Bromwich services

West Bromwich located in Sandwell and so within or close to the UK’s manufacturing heartland gives businesses an advantage with excellent transport links to the surrounding towns and cities.

West Bromwich, or close to the town and within Sandwell, is home to many well known businesses including the AA, with a Centre of Excellence training facility just south of the town; IKEA (Birmingham), just north of the town and Midshire Business Group, one of the largest office technology resellers in the UK are based in the town.

West Bromwich is served by Birmingham Airport which is just over 20 miles away. Birmingham Airport offers the town connectivity by air to the rest of the UK, through Europe and with long-haul flights, further afield global destinations. Connecting West Bromwich internationally for business.

West Bromwich sits located close to major towns and cities such as Birmingham and so will need a reliable same day courier service provider that can offer a fast service. At Same Day Couriers Direct we offer an expert service with a focus on key sectors in the area and provide our support to businesses when it comes to urgent deliveries and logistics. We have the same day courier service that will meet your business expectations.

Think Sandwell: for advice and information to support businesses provided by a team of experts in the Sandwell Council area including West Bromwich.

West Midlands Growth Company: for all the visitor information not just for West Bromwich but also for the surrounding areas of interest in Sandwell.