Solihull, a town located in the West Midlands

Same day courier Solihull services are provided by Same Day Couriers Direct in this town. The town is located to the south east of Birmingham.

Map data: Google

Solihull, as a town was in Warwickshire before being absorbed into the West Midlands. The town’s location means it can offer a variety of options to the visitor from arts and culture through to historic landmarks and sights. Solihull is the home of the National Motorcycle Museum, often recognised as the finest and largest British motorcycle museum in the world.

Solihull economic sectors

solihull town centre

Key growth sectors:

“Solihull has an economy comparable with the South East and has seen economic growth at a rate amongst the highest in England as a key location for international business investment.”

Same day courier Solihull services

Connectivity is a key to businesses locating in Solihull. Birmingham Airport serving Birmingham is in Solihull. The central location means the town has easy access to the M42, M5, M6 and M40 motorways in the heart of the UK’s road network. The mainline rail services mean a connection to London in less than an hour.

Solihull is home to a number of businesses recognised as global brands. Including Jaguar Land Rover; Aero Engine Components, TRW Conekt and Monarch, all in the aerospace industry and notable names from the construction industry with a Solihull presence are Kier Group Homes, Balfour Beatty, Lafarge and BAM.

Solihull is served by Birmingham Airport which is located in Solihull Metropolitan Borough’s district and connects the town to all the major European cities as too the Middle East and main capitals across Asia.

Solihull’s key industry sectors match closely to ours at Same Day Couriers Direct. As such, we offer our expertise with confidence in the same variety of industries and can provide your business with a fast and reliable same-day service.

Same day courier Solihull helpful links

Why Solihull: Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council information site for businesses including advice and support available to invest in Solihull.

Visit Solihull: Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council information site for the news, events and offers for visitors to Solihull.