Bedford, a town located in the East of England

Same day courier Bedford services are provided by Same Day Couriers Direct in this town.

Map data: Google

Bedford offers a wealth of events and attractions for all visitors. “Bedford is proud to call itself “Home of Afternoon Tea”! – Anna Maria Russell, the 7th Duchess of Bedford created Afternoon Tea?”. There are award winning parks to museums and galleries to visit and the town is surrounded by countryside to explore.

Bedford economic sectors

bedford windmill

Key growth sectors:

  • smart logistics
  • creative industries
  • advance engineering
  • high performance technology
  • aviation
  • food and manufacturing

“Locate your business in Bedford. It’s close to London, the UK’s capital city, without the London prices.”

We are in the heart of southern England with great connections to London, Cambridge and Milton Keynes.”

Same day courier Bedford services

Bedford as a town has a location offering excellent transport links. The town is less than a one hour drive to London. It is also located close to the M1 motorway which runs from London to Yorkshire. It also has excellent, major train lines and close proximity to London Luton Airport. The town also offers plenty of land and office space to prospective businesses.

Bedford has a number of well known brands located in the town. Including Unilever, major research and development laboratory at Colworth Science Park and Fujifilm, the world’s largest photographic and imaging company.

Bedford is served by London Luton Airport at just over 20 miles away and a 45 minutes drive. London Luton Airport is the fourth busiest of the six airports that serve the capital, London. For the UK, the airport is the fifth for passenger handling with almost 17 million passengers annually. This means that Bedford has access to flights not only in the UK and Europe but also connecting the town globally.

Bedford’s location means it wil have a need for a same day courier service that is fast and reliable connecting the town to those around it. At Same Day Couriers Direct we offer our expertise with a focus on the key industry sectors of the town and can provide support to your business when it comes to logistics. We offer the same day courier service that will meet your business expectations.

Invest in Bedford: for expert advice and information provided by the Invest in Bedford team, business support services to help you grow in Bedford.

Visit Bedford: for all the latest tourism information for visitors to Bedford.