Milton Keynes, a town located in the South East

Same day courier Milton Keynes services are provided by Same Day Couriers Direct in this town. Milton Keynes and its status as a town could change, as part of The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022.

Map data: Google

Milton Keynes sees itself as an experience for visitors. It has some of the best entertainment and exciting activities on offer. There are many discoveries to be made in the world of culture, sport and even shopping. A trip to Milton Keynes will always be unique. A visit to Bletchley Park is probably a must, the now famous but secret location during World War II had 10,000 people working in secret attempting to decode enemy communications; it is also the home of the world’s first semi-programmable electronic computer, Colossus.

Milton Keynes economic sectors

bletchley park milton keynes

Key growth sectors:

  • business, professional & financial
  • high-performance technology
  • logistics & distribution
  • technology & digital
    • FinTech
    • HealthTech
    • EdTech

“The city’s highly developed Business; financial professional Service cluster includes more than 400 head office and financial services companies, with a specialist workforce of more than 22,000 people.”

Same day courier Milton Keynes services

Milton Keynes is connected to London by excellent rail routes, with the shortest journey time just over 30 minutes and most under an hour for the near 55 miles distance covered.

Milton Keynes close proximity to the capital (offering -72% lower prime office rents than London) and the town’s transport infrastructure has enticed many global businesses and organisations to base within it but the town also has a large number of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and start ups next to better known and established leading brands. Volkswagen; Santander; Deloitte; Dentons and Mercedes-Benz chose Milton Keynes to be their UK main office location.

Milton Keynes is served by London Luton Airport which is approximately 20 miles away. Both London Heathrow Airport and London Stansted Airport to Milton Keynes are only just slightly over 40 miles away so there are many options for flight choices covering the entire globe depending on which airport is the most convenient for the chosen destination.

Milton Keynes need for a same-day courier service is both unique and important for any business in the location, with SMEs as well as established brands. With Same Day Couriers Direct, we can offer both our experience and wealth of knowledge of collaborating in the various industries and can support your business. We give you a same-day courier service that meets your needs regardless of the specialist industry you operate in.

Same day courier Milton Keynes helpful links

Invest Milton Keynes: a dedicated team at Invest Milton Keynes provide information on business or give help and support if looking to relocate to Milton Keynes.

Destination Milton Keynes: offering all the information visitors.