Brussels, the capital of Belgium

Same day courier Brussels services are provided by Same Day Couriers Direct in this city, depending on which data is used, it is either the most populous city in Belgium, or Antwerp is. If the area known as Brussels-Capital Region is used for population measuring, then it would be, rather than counting the city area only.

Map data: Google

Brussels offers much with many interesting sightseeing spots; enjoyed by tourists from all parts of the world. Brussels is not only the administrative, commercial, and financial heart of Belgium but also hosts not only the European Union but also is the home of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) headquarters. A visitor will find a good a mix of old and new when going across the city.

Brussels economic sectors

Same Day Courier Brussels

Key growth sectors:

  • banking and insurance
  • hotels and restaurants
  • construction
  • research and development
  • transport and communication
  • manufacturing industries
  • corporate services
  • retail trade
  • wholesale trade

“Brussels holds more than 1,000 business conferences annually, making it the fourth most popular conference city in Europe.”

Same day courier Brussels services

Brussels as a city is dominated by activities within the service and public service industries. Accounting for the entire Brussels Capital Region, nearly 9% of all exports from Belgium are from the region, and service industries add another 9% to the national total.

Brussels is home to many leading brands. Including Audi (at the former Volkswagen) manufacturing plant and Toyota Motor Europe’s Head Office. However, probably, the biggest brands are the European Parliament and the European Commission.

Brussels is served by Brussels Airport. Destinations cover most of Europe which seems appropriate due to the number of business conferences scheduled in the city. There are direct flights to New York and Washington but to travel internationally beyond Europe, connecting flights would need to be considered.

The Port of Brussels is the second largest Belgian inland port. It is connected by a five hour sailing from the Port of Antwerp. Using a canal system that has but two locks between Brussels and Antwerp.

Any courier service in Brussels and particularly due to the mix of businesses located in and around the Brussels-Capital Region, it is a service that requires specialism with any logistics requirement. At Same Day Couriers Direct, we have the necessary experience in various industries, all covering Brussels main sectors. Meaning, we can offer you a courier service to meet your expectations.

Same day courier Brussels helpful links

City of Brussels: Brussels city site for all advice and support.

Visit Brussels: a Brussels-Capital Region public interest organisation.