Sale, a town in Greater Manchester located in the North West
Same day courier Sale services are provided by Same Day Couriers Direct in this town. The town is divided into two by the Bridgewater Canal.
Map data: Google
Sale, before being absorbed as part of Greater Manchester was located as a town in Cheshire. The town is located on the south bank of the River Mersey. Attractions in the town include several parks and green spaces; Worthington Park and Sale Water Park are well known, the latter is an artificial lake on a former gravel pit. For entertainment and situated next to the town hall, there is the Waterside Arts Centre with a plaza, a library, the Robert Bolt Theatre, the Lauriston Gallery and the Corridor Gallery.
Sale economic sectors
Key growth sectors:
- business, finance & professional services
- advanced manufacturing
- life sciences & healthcare innovation
- energy & environment
- creative, digital and technology
“Greater Manchester’s economic growth has been driven by its diverse industry base.”
“The Bridgewater Canal reached the town in 1765, stimulating Sale’s urbanisation. The arrival of the railway in 1849 triggered Sale’s growth as a commuter town for Manchester.”
Same day courier Sale services
Sale is well connected to Manchester. The town has three stations for the Metrolink tram system which connects Sale with other locations in Greater Manchester. For vehicles, there is the A56 road that runs between Chester and North Yorkshire; Sale also has easy access to motorways including the M60 (which is an orbital road around Manchester), M56, M62 and M6 motorways are just a few miles away.
The main industries for employment for the Sale population are in the wholesale and retail trade; real estate, renting and business activities; health and social work; manufacturing and transport storage and communications sectors.
Sale is served by Manchester Airport which is just a few miles away. Manchester Airport is one of the UK’s busiest airports and can offer over 190 direct flights to all reaches of the globe.
Sale and the Greater Manchester area needs a same-day courier that is fast and reliable with its service. At Same Day Couriers Direct we use our expertise in various industries and can provide support for your business when it comes to logistics. We have the same-day courier service that will meet your business expectations in Sale.
Same day courier Sale helpful links
Invest In Manchester: for expert advice and specialist programmes including funding for Greater Manchester including Sale.
Visit Manchester: guidance for those who want to explore Sale.
Sale Town Hall image: Creative Commons Attribution: David Dixon.