Woking, a town in the South East

Same day courier Woking services are provided by Same Day Couriers Direct in this town. The town is just outside of London‘s outer area and part of the ‘London commuter belt’.

Map data: Google

Woking for the visitor offers a variety of choice for leisure and entertainment activities. There’s theatre, arts and cinema. You can follow in the footsteps of H. G. Wells’s The War of the Worlds’ martians, the author wrote his classic novel whilst living in Woking over 150 years ago. There’s shopping and cycling and for golf enthusiasts, 14 courses to choose from, even ‘crazy golf’.

Woking economic sectors

woking town square

Key growth sectors:

“Woking has many strengths as a business location including its excellent communications and transport infrastructure.”

“There is a range of business accommodation and some good quality business parks in the surrounding areas.”

Same day courier Woking services

Woking has good connectivity by rail, road and airports making it a location that is attractive for businesses and the town also offers a number of business parks providing specialist services.

Woking has attracted some notable companies to the the town. Including in pharmaceuticals, Pharsafa; GlucoRX; Nextpharma Holdings; McLaren in the automotive sector and AIM Aviation in the aerospace industry.

Woking is served by London Heathrow Airport, a 30 minutes journey and by London Gatwick Airport just under an hour. This gives the town flight services across Europe and most global destinations. It also means the town has access to the UK’s main airport including international freight services at London Heathrow Airport.

Woking with such a close proximity to London and airports will continue to have a need for a same day courier service. At Same Day Couriers Direct we use our expertise in various industries and can provide support for your business when it comes to logistics. We have the same day courier service that will meet your business expectations by providing a fast and reliable courier service.

Same day courier Woking helpful links

Visit Surrey Business Hub: information to help businesses in Woking and Surrey to succeed.

Visit Surrey: to find out about what’s happening for your visit to Woking.