Stevenage, a town located in East of England
Same day courier Stevenage services are provided by Same Day Couriers Direct in this town and borough in Hertfordshire.
Map data: Google
Stevenage, is the UK’s first New Town, one of the many built as a solution to London’s post-war housing crisis. Just 20 minutes from London, it’s ideal for a day out or stay. Perhaps a visit to Knebworth House, internationally known for music festivals but also host to the annual Hertfordshire Garden Show. Another popular destination is Box Wood, designated as a Scheduled Ancient Monument by English Heritage.
Stevenage economic sectors
Key growth sectors:
- construction
- advanced engineering
- aerospace
- information technology
- pharmaceuticals
- financial services
- environmental industries
“Stevenage also has high levels of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and a start up rate for new businesses which is equivalent to the UK average and higher than the East of England average.”
Same day courier Stevenage services
Stevenage has excellent transport connections with London (less than 30 miles south of the town), the rest of the UK and Europe and is located close to Britain’s motorway network. This makes the town attractive for businesses to locate in and around the town.
Amongst some of the companies with a high profile in Stevenage, the following are based in the town, GlaxoSmithKline, has a major European pharmaceutical research and development centre; Airbus Defence & Space, have one of their spacecraft design and manufacturing facilities; MBDA, global missile systems company, research and development located in the town and Fujitsu, one of Europe’s leading IT services companies.
Stevenage is served by London Luton Airport at just over 14 miles by road and also London Stansted Airport at just over 25 miles. London Heathrow Airport is only 40 miles by road and this gives the town global destinations for travel and cargo. With good transport links by road, the three airports connect Stevenage across the UK, Europe and internationally.
Stevenage as a growing town with an important location will have a need for a same day courier service that is fast and reliable. At Same Day Couriers Direct we offer our expertise with a focus on the key sectors of the town and provide support to businesses when it comes to logistics. We have the same day courier service that will meet your business expectations too, in particular, SMEs.
Same day courier Stevenage helpful links
Invest in Stevenage: for expert advice and information provided by a network of local businesses to help your business in Stevenage.
Visit Hertfordshire: for all the latest tourism information for visitors to Stevenage.