Newcastle (Newcastle upon Tyne), the largest city in the North East region of England
Same day courier Newcastle services are provided by Same Day Couriers Direct in this city. There are over 8,000 registered businesses in Newcastle making it an attractive city for many national and international businesses to locate.
Map data: Google
With a metro service connecting the city to outbound locations including the coast, Newcastle is enjoyed by tourists from around the world offering fantastic days out, cuisines from around the world, theatre and unmissable Newcastle events.
Newcastle economic sectors

Key growth sectors:
- tech and digital
- medical science and sustainability
- offshore and marine
- business and professional services
- logistics
- R&D
- innovation
Across a variety of sectors, a number of big names are making Newcastle their home, establishing their regional, European or worldwide HQ.
All helped with the government’s Northern Powerhouse initiative.
Same day courier Newcastle services
Newcastle is home to some well established and well known businesses. To name just three: Greggs House for the well known eatery outlet seen in the High Street of most towns and cities; Sage UK for the well established software company and Virgin Money part of the banking and financial services brand of Virgin.
Other important and established companies in Newcastle who have a base but not the head quarters include: Accenture; BAE Systems; British Airways; EE and Npower to name just a few.
Newcastle is also important for two government departments; the Department for Work and Pensions and the Inland Revenue (National Insurance Contributions Office). The two departments employ a large number of civil servants across the UK.
Newcastle is served by Newcastle International Airport. With over 70 destinations, mainly in Europe but also serving continents in the southern hemisphere through onward links.
Major harbour is Port of Tyne, providing both marine and passenger services. Passenger ferry services are popular for connecting to mainland Europe and in particular Amsterdam.
Newcastle has many couriers to choose from but for your business requirements we can support how you send and receive items and reduce time spent on customer service calls. We are a leading provider of same day delivery services in the UK and Europe. Our solutions help simplify sending your packages. We ensure a guaranteed delivery service and have more services that may suit you. Call Same Day Couriers Direct to discuss your needs.
Same day courier Newcastle helpful links
Invest Newcastle: provides a range of services to potential and existing investors. The service is bespoke and led by client needs.
Newcastle City Council: here is a wide range of advice, practical support and potential investment available to help businesses in Newcastle to grow.