Belfast, the capital of Northern Ireland
Same day courier Belfast services are provided by Same Day Couriers Direct in Belfast, a city close to the UK’s only land border with another EU country. Businesses in Belfast can benefit from close access to major international markets and supply chains.
Map data: Google
“Belfast is a city full or ambition, optimism and above all energy. It’s a talented, competitive and connected city.”
Enjoyed by tourists, Belfast has lots of ideas to inspire travellers who can are able to get in a car, bus, coach, train, plane or ferry to get to this city.
Belfast economic sectors

Key growth sectors:
- advanced engineering and manufacturing
- creative and digital
- financial and professional services
- hospitality and tourism
- life and health sciences
- technology
Invest in Belfast
As a leading council, offering a broad range of support for businesses or people, expanding their operations in Belfast or considering the city as an investment destination.
Same day courier Belfast services
As the UK’s smallest country, Northern Ireland still has some important industries, including agriculture, aerospace and medical technology with Belfast attracting a substantial part of all the sectors.
Belfast, as the capital, has a major economic importance with a third of the country’s population living there.
Served by Belfast International Airport and with major harbours including Belfast Harbour, Foyle Port and Port of Larne, Belfast plays an important role, particular as Northern Ireland has an unusual status withing the UK on the UK’s departure from the EU.
Another important sector includes the creative sector, particularly in film, music and animation.
The exhibition centre at Waterfront Hall Belfast plays an important role to highlight the varying econmic centres of Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland is also strong in other sectors such as construction and financial services.
Same Day Couriers Direct serve all the major industries in Belfast, using our expertise and knowledge and taking account the UK’s EU exit and the Northern Ireland Protocol as part of the agreement, your consignments are in safe hands wherever they need to be delivered.
Same day courier Belfast helpful links
visitBelfast: find out about the Visit Belfast Welcome Centre where you can pick up visitor guides and book tours and events tickets.
NIBUSINESSINFO.CO.UK: a free service offered by Invest Northern Ireland, is the official online channel for business advice and guidance in Northern Ireland.