We know that the industry within which we work, matters. It might not seem so to others, but there is a dependency on us to get things done right. Perhaps our role is being more widely accepted as “key”. But in fairness, this isn’t something we didn’t know already. However, it is nice to finally get the recognition that we have been missing out on.

We are a crucial support network for roles that have historically been recognised as important. We help others undertake their roles, and therefore we consider that our input is critical. Of course we recognise the important work of carers and healthcare workers, they face extreme challenges day after day. Their decisions change, and more importantly save lives. But we’re proud to help them, help others.

Many things changed on March 23rd 2020, when the UK entered lockdown. One thing remained constant – our commitment to our clients. We recognise that without clients, well, who are we? Our service, sacrifice and solidarity are critical to us achieving and surpassing our goals, the key one of which is to make our clients happy.
Our suppliers
Bad times often bring people closer together. We’ve recognised that many, including our suppliers, are facing unprecedented struggles, and so we’ve looked at ways to help. We changed our payment systems to simplify the processes, and made communications easier. Without our suppliers, we too would struggle, so we recognise and are grateful for all of their help.
Our clients
Our commitment to excellence has always been key to the success of Same Day Deliveries. We were never going to change this approach. We’ve grown because of it, and remain fully intent on maintaining it. Yes things have been difficult, but we’re not alone in this. The whole nation has struggled to adapt and alter everyday life. Whilst we too have adapted, we still stand by our key principles and standards.
A new reality

Sadly over 45,000 have lost their lives to Covid-19 in the UK. Each one is not a statistic, they are a family member, a part of society and a person who matters. Their loss brings great sadness. But the battle continues. Healthcare workers and social carers remain on the frontline. Our aim is to ensure, that however possible, we keep them supplied with critical PPE, and whatever equipment they may need.
We take no political stance. Our approach is to ensure that we take all possible steps to play our role. There is much to be done and we’re continually committing all of our resources to keeping the healthcare sector running.

Relaxing, even for a moment, cannot be accepted. There’s continuing concern about the safety and protection of the frontline workers. Ensuring the continual supply of PPE for the foreseeable future is a must. There can be no relenting in our combined efforts. Yes this will place pressure on supply chains and delivery schedules, but we know that we’re exactly the company to ensure that the pressure doesn’t buckle the system. We have a dynamic fluidity in our approach to logistics and it is this that has helped us cope brilliantly so far – and help others to do so too.
Dedicated logistics

We have collaborated with UK businesses, charitable organisations, suppliers and haulage companies to ensure that the nation’s hospitals, clinics, pharmacies and surgeries receive essential supplies and in a timely manner. We are a key cog in the logistics machine, and will remain so going forward.
Shifting focus
When supplies are critical, delays can be literally life threatening. Supply chains cannot afford any weak links when faced with such serious demands. It is imperative that all issues are resolved, quickly, efficiently and fairly. At Same Day Couriers Direct we recognise our part in this, and furthermore our duty to help others play their role too. Building, establishing, improving and streamlining processes, whilst maintaining standards is key.
We are increasingly fulfilling emergency needs. We’ve always worked hard, but crisis brings a new resolve. Manufacturers have been called upon to invest their knowledge and technical expertise, and they too need support through the delivery of crucial components and parts. Collective approaches are important and each participant must fulfil their role.
Going forward

A pandemic brings calls for vaccines and treatment. Many pharmaceuticals have turned over R&D budgets to the cause in order to quickly deliver the best solution. Again this means that they too need companies like Same Day to help them function at full capacity. This is an emerging and fast changing situation with no scope for error. How we face this challenge will determine success. Samples, tests etc. all need to be moved around properly and proficiently. We are doing this.
We must never forget that we’re dealing with vulnerable people, sometimes in dire situations. Moreover, away from coronavirus, there are still those who need help with other conditions and illnesses that sadly haven’t gone away. Various medications are needed by many people.

Same Day Couriers Direct

We have considered the help we give to others and the difference it makes. However, we must never forego the safety of our own employees. Being on the front line means that they too are taking risks. Without our employees, we cannot function, and so we must never sacrifice their health and safety for anything, and we will not do so. We’ll ensure that they too have the right protection, be it physical or in terms of working practices. They must feel safe to execute their roles and we will ensure, wherever and however possible, that they do. Health and safety of our own workers is a primary concern. We must continue to limit physical contact and maintain distancing whilst matching the needs and requirements of our customers. We actively follow all government guidelines and we’ve taken additional measures to protect our customers and staff.
Communication is key. We are flexible in approach and will always go the extra mile. We remain dedicated to being the ‘go to’ custom courier of choice. Our bespoke service will reflect and adapt to the ongoing needs of our clients whilst being fully aligned with relevant governmental directives.